Elderly woman with dentures

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dentures for 2024

            Have your dentures been driving you crazy lately? Maybe you got a new set over the holidays and you’re struggling to form your words clearly. Or maybe, your mouth is irritated and causing you discomfort every time you put them in. Whatever the case is, we don’t want that for you. It’s a new year, and it’s time for a new start. We want your dentures to be comfortable, look effortless, and accomplish the job you got them to accomplish this year. We hope that these denture-related tips and tricks will set you off on the right foot.

1- DO stay hydrated!

Dry mouth is a pain for anybody, but it’s especially bad if you have false teeth. The uncomfortable, sticky sensation of not-enough saliva is made even worse when it rubs up against the presence of prosthetics. And, as Brookswood Denture Clinic explains, “Dry mouth may lead to loose dentures, irritations, sores, and possible infections for denture wearers.”

The best and most obvious way to stay hydrated is to up your water intake. Not only will it relieve your denture discomfort, but it’s also a great boost to your overall health. However, you can also relieve dry mouth through reducing your tobacco intake, avoiding dry foods like bread and crackers, and taking supplemental products specifically designed to combat dry mouth—for example, Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse or Xylimelts. However you choose to do it, combatting dry mouth will go a long way in improving your quality of life with dentures.

2 – DON’T forget to soak them for a minimum of six hours!

Just like contacts (and people), dentures need a break! If you leave them in overnight, it’s pretty much inevitable that your mouth will get irritated and sore. Instead, soak them in water or denture cleanser while you sleep. This is a great way to kill off bacteria while also giving your mouth a rest. Make sure you pay attention to the directions on your denture’s cleanser; some don’t recommend overnight usage. If that’s the case, just soak them in water. Never soak your dentures in bleach unless your dentist specifically instructs you to. If you are brushing your dentures, soaking them overnight, and seeing your dentist regularly, you are taking the right steps to protect your dentures from plaque, stains, and warping.

3- DO get comfortable talking with them!

Everyone knows that it can be tricky to say things the way you mean to with this strange new object inhabiting your mouth. The best way to conquer that challenge is to practice! If you’re feeling bold (or you’re just in the privacy of your own home), sing! This could help your tongue, teeth, and muscles acclimate to the new terrain faster. If you’re not much for singing, try reading aloud. Read your grandkids some stories. Or, read a novel aloud to yourself or a friend or partner. You might even try some tongue twisters! Soon enough, you’ll be talking just like normal.

4- DON’T chow down on hard or sticky things!

This may seem like a no-brainer, but sticky foods could dislodge your dentures. Nobody wants to have to subtly nudge their dentures back in place in public! Anything hard, sticky, or gummy will cause wear and tear to your dentures and may even cause you discomfort. Foods like nut butters, caramels, multigrain crackers, tough meats, popcorn, and other seeds should all be occasional treats, not staples in your diet.  

In general, denture-wearers would be wise to exercise caution when eating. Chew on both sides of your mouth so as not to dislodge dentures. Cut up food into smaller bites to cause less stress on your false teeth. And, as one denture site encourages us, “Keep in mind, too, that hot foods and drinks can burn your mouth more easily when you have dentures because dentures can hinder your ability to gauge temperature effectively. Test the food or drink against your lips before you take a bite or sip.”

5- DO handle your dentures carefully!

If you’ve accidentally caused damage to your dentures, that could be the reason they’re bothering you. The plastic may have gotten out of shape. Additionally, you could have unintentionally damaged the clasp. This is why it’s important to be careful when handling dentures. When taking them out for the evening, put a towel over the countertop first, just in case they slip out of your hands. When brushing your dentures, always use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

6 –DON’T be afraid to call the dentist if you really need to!

Dentures take a long time to adjust to. If this set is brand-new, don’t be worried that it’s causing you some discomfort. But if, after weeks and weeks, that discomfort simply doesn’t go away, the problem may be with the dentures themselves. If your dentures are:

…it might be time to contact the dentist. It’s also good to contact them if you notice you’ve developed bad breath, mouth sores, or bleeding gums. All of those could be signs that something is not right with your dentures.

We want your dentures to fit you this year. Through following these ten tips, we hope you’ll have a more comfortable, happy dentures experience in 2024. If you have questions about dentures or the way yours fit, reach out to our office today. We would be more than happy to get in touch.

Photo of dentist waiting room

About Our Team

Our team of dental experts have over 30 years of experience in the field of dentistry, and we’re passionate about educating our patients. 

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